
You’re a curious kid.  You ask more questions that most kids your age, and it doesn’t go unnoticed.  You ask questions when we’re in the car.  you ask questions when we’re eating dinner.  You ask questions when we’re saying goodnight.

Sometimes I assume you’re asking questions just to avoid something.  For example, I think you ask questions during our good-nights to avoid having me walk away and having bed-time actually start.  If you keep asking questions, it means it’s not really bed-time, right?  If that’s the case, you’re pretty clever.

We talked about your curiosity last night and you told me about why you ask questions at night and it surprised me: You said it was because you didn’t want to forget them.

I am constantly reminded of how similar we are.  Others can see that we look the same- you have my freckles, hair, and eyes.  You are skinny and tall like me and have my same long eyelashes that make women jealous.  But you also have my personality and brain.  It’s becoming clear that you are very much a young me.

I used to have tons of questions and ask everyone everything, too.  I would not want to forget things and rush to ask all of my questions so I didn’t forget.  I still do, actually.  I can’t stand not knowing things – I get the feeling you’re the same way, or will be one day.

All I can do is offer advice that has helped me handle this: learn to write things down and save them for later.  It will unburden you.  Make lists of things you want to ask or look up and save them for when it’s more appropriate to do so.

When you feel the pressure to get all of your questions answered NOW, you put unnecessary stress on yourself and others.  If you can learn to be patient and know that you will find answers eventually, you will understand that prioritizing sleep, family time, and other things over instantly knowing all of the answers can sometimes be a good thing.

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