
Time is a finite thing.  We can replace material objects and earn more money but we cannot replace time.  Once it’s gone, it’s gone.

You will never be a kid again and I will never get a chance to be your dad again.  I won’t get a do-over for all of this and neither will you.  We sometimes act like it, though, don’t we?

You recently told me that I spend all of my time working and watching sports.  I had to remind you about all of the things we do together before you remembered that what you said wasn’t true.  Perception is reality, though.  If you feel like I don’t give you my attention, then I clearly don’t give you enough of it.

You’re absolutely right, too. I spend too much time working – more than the average person by a significant amount.  The material value of my effort is enormous but I do not expect you to understand or value you it at this time.

You value attention and time.  As a father, I am clearly falling short in that regard.

In your life, recognize that regardless of how much you value your own time, spending time with the ones you care about is priceless.  Once those moments are gone, they are gone for good.

Time is a finite thing.  Don’t get so caught up in material things that you forget about something irreplaceable.


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