Will other people do the right thing?

Not everyone in the world is inclined to do the right thing. Or, as Poppi once put it, they don’t necessarily prefer to do things right OR to do the right thing. Some people are simply selfish jerks. It sucks, but you just have to accept it and do what you believe to be right. There are good people out there as well, and you can’t let yourself become cynical about the world because of the bad apples.

It’s been said that 90% of the people are doing their best 90% of the time. I’m sure you can math that out and figure out that it leaves a fair amount of people who certainly aren’t doing their best. But the majority certainly are! The people who do bad things stick out to us, though, because they are in the minority. They are aberrations that deviate from the norms that we are used to. Our brains get used to patterns and if ~90% of the world works one way, the 10% who don’t are going to stick out.

Try to remember that the 90% are the majority. When you see a news story about someone who has done something terrible, remember that we don’t see headlines when someone helps someone get up from a fall or offers to pay for a stranger’s cup of coffee. There is more good than bad in this world. Increase the good.

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