You’re big on superheroes at this point in your life. The Flash is your favorite, but you love them all. With that in mind, I’d like to share a bit of wisdom from a superhero movie: Batman Begins (2005).
In the movie, Bruce Wayne thinks he has lost everything he is working for and has failed at what he is doing. He is lying down, bloody, when his trusted and loyal servant Alfred asks him a very important question:
“Why do we fall, sir?”
After giving Bruce a second or so to think, Alfred answers for him:
“So that we can learn to pick ourselves up.”
There’s no way I can impart on you how much I want you to learn from this quote at a young age. I’ve seen you get frustrated from failures quickly and easily without understanding that failing is simply moving closer towards succeeding as long as you don’t give up. The key is that you can’t let failing deter you- you have to let it motivate you.
When you were younger, I watched you build towers out of blocks until they got so high that they simply had to fall over. You were young and excited and simply accepted that blocks did that sort of thing and would gather the now-scattered blocks and happily rebuild your tower. You didn’t get upset, you rebuilt. I hope you circle back to that.
“Failure is success in progress.” – Einstein
“I have not failed. I have just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” -Edison
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