You became a big brother this month. You’ve taken to it quite well and you have surprised us all with how loving you have been towards your baby brother. You are kind, caring, compassionate, delicate, and loving. For a five-year-old, it’s extremely impressive. For any age, it’s perfect.
Being a brother means many things. I’ve started to slowly introduce these concepts to you. It means you no longer own the spotlight at all times. That can be both positive and negative – it gives you time alone but has also introduced you to the concept of sharing the attention of those around you.
You have a big responsibility now. You’re a teacher. You’re a role model. You’re a guardian. You’re a playmate. You’re a companion, cheerleader, leader, snuggler, holder, guider, and many other things.
I’ve been telling you about your job as a teacher to start off with. At this early stage, you are teaching by example. Later on, you will be able to teach by explaining concepts. Just imagining you and your brother together as you teach him how to climb a tree or count to 100 brings a smile to my face. Be a patient teacher.
Above all else, remember that your brother is family. Remember to love him appropriately.
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