Cats in the Cradle

In 1974, Harry Chapin released a song titled “Cats in the Cradle”.  While it never topped the charts, it is wildly popular and has been used in many films, tv shows, and more.  You may have even heard it.  The chorus is iconic: And the cat’s in the cradle and the silver spoon Little boy […]


You became a big brother this month. You’ve taken to it quite well and you have surprised us all with how loving you have been towards your baby brother. You are kind, caring, compassionate, delicate, and loving. For a five-year-old, it’s extremely impressive. For any age, it’s perfect. Being a brother means many things. I’ve […]


Dad here. It’s probably going to be me from here on out, so I’ll just stop saying it when I start. Sometimes I discipline you for things and you deserve to know why. When you don’t want to eat your food, I’ll give you a few chances and then I’ll begin counting backwards from five. […]


Dad here again. You had a rough night last night before bed. You weren’t listening and disobeyed your mother. She punished you by throwing away one of your cherished toys. You don’t know this, but “throwing away” really meant that she pretended to walk to the outside trash can but really put it out on […]


It’s your dad again. It’s been over a year since Poppi passed away and I still feel like he has a lot to teach you. Heck, he has a lot to teach me, still. One of the biggest things I’m still learning- and I need to figure out how to pass on to you – […]

From your Dad: Altruism

I’ve decided to chime in with my own words. Poppi cannot cover every topic he wanted to. I’m a lousy substitute. — Tomorrow you will be exactly four and a half. As I type this, you are furiously running through the house looking through your toys and making a pile of seemingly random unrelated items […]


*This is your dad, Wesley. I had to add this note that Poppi sent me while your mom and I were on our honeymoon cruise to show another side of Poppi* Ryan- Glad you’re having a great time. Quick update from home: You were right – those were Aunt Mildred’s teeth on the dance floor […]

Sonny Boy

Though most of my memories of my Dad are limited, I do remember him singing to me – each night for that matter before I went to bed.  I remember how calm I felt when I heard his voice.  Your Great Grandpa Dan loved Al Jolson so, as you would expect, most of the songs […]

Controlling Behavior

Controlling behavior: Behavior intended to control your own feelings, control how people feel about you and treat you, or control the outcome of things. All of us have grown up learning many different ways to control – we had to as part of our survival. Perhaps you grew up in a family that used anger […]


Wesley, like it or not, it is inevitable that at some point in our lives all of us will face the loss of someone or something dear to us.  The grief that comes with such a loss can seem unbearable. But as difficult as it may seem to grasp, the grief you feel is actually […]