
It’s your dad again. It’s been over a year since Poppi passed away and I still feel like he has a lot to teach you. Heck, he has a lot to teach me, still.

One of the biggest things I’m still learning- and I need to figure out how to pass on to you – is happiness. Poppi didn’t spend a lot of his latter years smiling, unfortunately. Grandma told me once that it was because he was embarrassed of his teeth. As I grow older and deal with the stresses of life and responsibility I get the feeling he just wasn’t having as much fun as he did when he was younger.

When I was younger, I had fun. Like you do today, in fact! When I get home each night you are full of energy and life- eager to play a game, tell me stories, or cross swords. I’m worn out from meetings and projects and conference calls. Poppi used to be worn out, too.

I didn’t know it back then but part of the reason was that he was sacrificing some of his happiness for the family. We all just thought he was a grumpy man who hated the world but some of that was from simply working so hard to provide for us. He was strict with us to ensure we were disciplined and succeeded in life. He wasn’t perfect, but he did the best he knew how. It’s something I can only appreciate now that it’s happening to me with you.

When you grow up and have a family of your own, remember to make time for them in addition to providing for them. Be happy!

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