
One of the things that makes life so amazing is that it is finite. If we lived forever, we would be in no hurry to try new things because there would always be a chance to do so in the future. We wouldn’t need to mend fences or really have any sense of urgency for anything since time wouldn’t matter in relation to our lives. But, alas, people don’t live forever. Whether they tragically die too early or if they live a long a fulfilling life, there is ultimately and end.

“What is the meaning of life?” is a question that has been asked countless times. What is your goal in life? Each person may have a different one. Considering there is an end to our existence at some point, we can at least strive to reach something within that unknown time frame.

A popular answer is a vague one: “To make the world a better place.” It’s an answer, yes, but it’s quite subjective and doesn’t really give a path to accomplishment. If you want to make the world a better place, what is the first step? Not very clear, right?

When we move on from living to existing solely as a memory, we leave behind a legacy. That legacy is defined by what you create and the lives you touch throughout your entire life. One of the most obvious ways to create a legacy is to have children- they will (hopefully) live on after we are gone and continue to carry on the lessons we have instilled in them.

There are names of historical figures that you’d recognize: Jesus, Washington, Ghandi, Plato, Shakespeare. These people touches the lives of so many others that they left a legacy that has lasted through centuries and will likely continue to do so. Also consider other names: Hitler, Pol Pot, Mao. Legacies can last for negative reasons, too.

As you live your life, think about how you want to leave the world when you’re gone. You don’t know how long you have left to live, so you cannot start down the path of building your legacy “tomorrow”. If you desire to make in impact on the world, do it. If you want to be remembered fondly, be the person who would be remembered as such.

Just remember: those who leave the biggest legacies live the longest in the hearts and minds of those who cherish the memories of them.

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